乐派影视 电影 来自孤寂世的笔记



  • 片名:来自孤寂世的笔记
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:未知
  • 导演:维埃拉·恰卡涅娃   
  • 年份:2023
  • 地区:其它
  • 类型:科幻
  • 上映:2023
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024/07/02 10:08
  • 简介:

    热门电影作品《来自孤寂世的笔记》由乐派影视在线分享,本片由共同领衔主演,是一部2023年在其它上映的电影,来自孤寂世的笔记剧情简介:An audio-visual postcard that director Viera Čákanyová sends to the future, based on her fictional conversation with her future virtual copy. She playfully and intimately explores the potential of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence in solving complex man-made global problems such as climate change or the crisis of parliamentary democracy. From a curious and critical perspective, she questions the ideal techno-optimistic model of the future and offers a window into an unspecified future where some technologies behave randomly or negatively. By combining super 8, 16mm footage on film stock, special lidar scan technology and point cloud methods, she highlights the tension between analogue and digital future of humanity.


 当前资源来源在线观看lz - 状态:HD


An audio-visual postcard that director Viera Čákanyová sends to the future, based on her fictional conversation with her future virtual copy. She playfully and intimately explores the potential of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence in solving complex man-made global problems such as climate change or the crisis of parliamentary democracy. From a curious and critical perspective, she questions the ideal techno-optimistic model of the future and offers a window into an unspecified future where some technologies behave randomly or negatively. By combining super 8, 16mm footage on film stock, special lidar scan technology and point cloud methods, she highlights the tension between analogue and digital future of humanity.


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